Grant the Uber Bear Changes Direction

The world is positioned for disappointment. But, in economic and financial matters, the world rarely gets what it expects. That's a gem from Uber Bear James Grant's WSJ article "From Bear to Bull". Take a look at Kedrosky's response too.

Adam Pash’s Hackintosh Series is “Sooooo Tempting”

It would be great to get a Core 2 Quad 3.0GHz OS X system for around $1,200 CDN ❗ I've had very good success with Adam's past hacker stuff like DD-WRT home routers. So I've been following his Hackintosh series with serious interest. Last year it seemed like too much maintenance required. But this weeks... Continue Reading →

Big Bucks and Choking

Sport's analogies creep into business speak all the time. Here is a good one relating big pay with stress and eventually "choking". Those who are intrinsically motivated, who work at creative or cognitively challenging jobs, and who want to do great work because it gives them great satisfaction, may discover that their performance suffers when... Continue Reading →

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