Powering Thru Vinyl Cafe — Unplugged

Vinyl Cafe books are great fun 😀 "VINYL CAFE unplugged" has story "Odd Jobs" where Dave "fixes" the kitchen along with his buddies and all their "manly" power tools. This is "laugh out loud" reading at it's finest. Great humour.

Volunteering Your Way to Happiness

Stephen G. Post's "The Hidden Gifts of Helping" is a book that everyone should "Just Read". The fundamental premise is that "It is good to be good". Period. Post's role is to drive and collect "hard" research on how volunteering and selfless action result in a better life. I attended his talk last week and... Continue Reading →

Travel the World With 39 Clues

The 39 Clues series is pure pleasure reading 😎 It's an adventure series targeted at pre-teens so it's really easy and goofy. What I like is that the kids travel all over the world ( Boston, Paris, Vienna, Venice, Korea, Egypt, Russia, Australia, and more) and they deal with important historical figures ( Ben Franklin,... Continue Reading →

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