Fun with DNA Romance (The Dating App)

I’ve been having a lot of fun with DNA Romance. I’ve been learning about DNA and the Dating industry.

I first met DNA Romance founder Dr. Timothy Sexton in an entrepreneurship class at the University of British Columbia. Back then he was a "DNA Entrepreneur" working on the breeding of trees. Today he’s using genetics to help people find a mate. He is using the fact that more and more of us are having our DNA tested. We have a personal DNA data file, and we’re getting used to using it. An example, is Ancestry® | Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records.

So What Can DNA Romance Do With Your DNA Data?

DRom 1.0 – Smell

The first thing Tim’s app can do is profile your DNA for "smell" compatibility, and then match you up with someone who smells good. This DRom 1.0 process leverages DNA and Social Science research that says that we have strong smell preferences, and that those smell preferences are part of our "Nature". That is our smell preferences are coded into our DNA. So in-a-nutshell, Tim’s software creates a "smell" profile from your DNA data, and then matches you up with someone compatible with your profile. What’s kind of cool is that matching in this context means that we’re looking for diversity. That is, we’re looking for different DNA. Tim has a nice graphic showing that there is no "Romantic Chemistry" when our "smell DNA" is the same and that there is strong "Romantic Chemistry" when our "smell DNA" is different. I think of it as – we match like Lego pieces – the same sides don’t fit.

At first I thought, "So What … How much can smell matter?" Well, it turns out that it matters a lot. For example, "Speed Dating" events often include a "Sweaty T-Shirt" activity to match people up. The activity is that people wear a T-Shirt a lot — so much that it’s smelly — and then put it in their freezer. Then they bring it to the event. People find it easy to select the T-Shirt they like. It’s not subtle. This video Chemistry of Attraction | ABC Science » Dr Jonica Newby helped me see the importance of "smell". In simple terms, DRom1.0 is a super strong "Sweaty T-Shirt" activity. You can leave your T-Shirt at home became Tim uses your DNA.

DRom 2.0 – Load Your Physical Traits Into Your Profile.

The next component that Tim is developing, DRom 2.0, will use your DNA data to fill in your personal profile. That is your personal profile will be "DNA Verified" or "derived from your DNA". The person can not lie about these profile points. So far Tim is planning on physical traits like hair colour, genetic height, pet allergies, and genetic sex. He may later include hand dominance, tea or coffee drinkers, freckles, and even a shared liking for thrill-seeker sports like climbing and sky diving.

This is kinda-cool and kinda-super-creepy. That said it does provide a prospective mate with assurance that one’s personal profile is accurate. We are who we say we are.

What strikes me with DRom 2.0 is that I will instantly engage with Tim’s software. I’ll have an experience of it showing me something it can only know from my DNA. It will show my physical traits and I can confirm that it is correct. I think I’d trust the smell matching much better if I experienced something tangible like it knowing my eye colour and hair colour. It will be interesting if this actually happens for others.

More Interesting Stuff

Netflix Series "The One"

There is currently a Netflix show "The One" which is set in a world where DNA matching is very powerful. DNA Romance has written up a nice article in response to that show.

Response to "The One" | DNA Romance

More Videos

Smell and human attraction | BBC » Professor Robert Winston

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